Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Woohooo?? HaS iT bEEn BuSy!!

Zao an (Goodmorning),

Well to continue from my last blog. Im on my fourth week here in Taiwan. Life at the base is almost a bit like the one at home (except the waking up at !!!!5!!!). It was a challenge waking up so early, pero gracias a Dios q' me estoy acostumbrando. We also have chores that have to be done weekly (and its not some simple one floor two bathroom house... its more like three floors,- mini houses- with rooms and living rooms-, and 6 bathrooms); Not only that, but everything picks up dust so fast!!! We can sweep the floor once and the next day it be full of dust(black dust)and dirt-NO EXAGGERATION!!. Every student also gets a night to cook and wash dishes (no Goya, no seasoning... imgine how it turns out!!).

We are in class everyday for 2hours. Its not a lot by our standards, but the amount of information and revelation you get is enough to wear your brain out. I had someone ask 'Am I getting any sleep now', well... like I had shared previously God is doing crazy things in me. He is challenging my faith, my standards, my character, my being. Every week we have a teaching on aspects of the Christian walk. And though I recieve food... solid food from my church, its been different. I see how God is putting light, life, and perspective to all the knowledge that Ive previously had. So sometimes my mind is running so fast that it takes time for me to fall asleep. (I am trully blessed to come from a church where the revelation is up to date with what the Spirit of God is doing around the world.) I can say that I have been taught well by my Pastors.

Ever since the first week of class, God has been dealing intensely with my life. To be honest I had no idea how the school was going to be like. I thought that all the classes were going to be about missions, what you can do and stretegic planning... But oh was I in for a surprise. The phrase to 'Know God and Make him known' was not a class topic, it was the form of life they live by. They focus on my spiritual man, on the issues of the heart, of our view of God. If there is one thing ive learned in these past weeks is how to seek His face, and to wait for Him to respond. The ultimate purpose is to see/hear/feel God as real as the person next to us. This has been better than I ever expected. Im coming to know the Lord soooo deeply, and so personal. Im becoming more aware of his voice; I mean I used to pray all the time 'Lord make my ears sensitive' 'Lord help me to hear you'... and to have it actually happening is AWESOME!!!

My relationship with Jesus is so different now. Many of you know my past (Especially after that friday with mask off!), so for many years the main focus of my life was the struggle to become pure and clean; I always prayed, 'When am I gonna get to move on'... and now .. Im seeing God changing the course of his teachings to me. Now im at another stage in my life; It's like God had timed it perfectly . Everything that im learning now, I can grasp at a whole new level. I feel like someone has turned the light bulb of UNDERSTANDING in my head to ON !!!

We have also started ministry in different sites. The first place was the Girls center. OH how my heart broke the first time we went there. This center has two levels... One is an orphanage of kids abandoned and the other is case sensitive, ranging from abuse- to girls being smuggled from china for prostitution purposes. I could just see the need for love in their eyes. We do a whole program (worship, games, testimony)... HOW OPEN they were to receive the GOspel!!!! ...

The other day we went evangelizing and I was so suprised of how little the people knew of Christ. Many have heard of Christians... but never about who Jesus really is. Its been such a challenge sharing my faith here. The importance of tradition has been so engraved in their minds, that everything else is brushed off as unimportant. This is definitely not like any mission trip ive ever been to... they have a hard time accepting the concept of living by faith and that there is only ONE TRUE GOD. The language barrier has also been soooo difficult. I often have a hard time communicating with even the translators. This was really discouraging in the beginning, cause im used to starting conversations, flowing with questions, and getting to the point fast... ohhhh... buttt what a change... Im trully learning what patience and intercession is, especially when in most cases this is all I can do.

OKAY... so I know this has been a long blog. hahaha : ). BUT I HAVE SOOO MUCH TO SAY!!!! well... I love you all and I hope I answered some of the questions you had. Till next time.. keep to the race and to the calling- Which is to know God more and more each day!!!

I Miss you all and I love you so much


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gabe here once again...i see you have begun your own truth speed as you race with God. i just knew that God would take you far since you had the willing heart and you doing and learning things each day like i knew you would. just to let you know that my prayers will not stop for you and trust me, the best of this mission's trip is yet to come...by the way tell me about this mask off thing that changed you. if you got the time tell me the whole story of what happened because i wasn't there and i would really like to know. anyways continue following God and i miss you more than you know

At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharies!!! I was praying for you last night and was excited to see an update this morning. I miss you mucho mucho. I just got back from FL on Tuesday and it was beautiful and warm. Too bad you weren't in Orlando too! Oh well, you sound like life is going absolutely wonderful in Taiwan. I had a Chinese student explain to me this morning the pronunciation of "Tao an." There is a Chinese cultural festival at our school tomorrow that I am thinking of going to. Are you learning a lot of Mandarin? Like I said, I miss you tons! I can't believe you have been there for four weeks already!!! WOW. You sound like a totally different person and that is exciting (though I loved the old Sharies too)! The truth search here is still rolling...it seems I am challenged with questions more and more each day. Overall life is wonderful :) Learning to enjoy each day. Take care my Taiwan friend ;) Love ya, Jess

At 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another note--where are the pictures from your birthday? You must post those you know...EVIDENCE I say, EVIDENCE and PROOF! I don't want to wait for six months as you had to wait for your pictures...don't follow my example...be a better friend than I was :) lol...love ya, Jess

At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharies! Im in awe here... i am so happy that everything is going so great for you..Gosh i miss seeing you over here...i hope every answer your looking for youll recieve a answer..keep learning so that when you come back, you can teach everyone what you learned.. love ya

Melanie Pagan

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Maritta said...

Que lindo escuchar de ti nuevamente y ver lo que Dios esta haciendo en tu vida. Sigue aprovechando cada momento, que ahora es que la cosa se pone buena.

Se que es duro no poder comunicarse en su idioma, pero el amor va mas alla de toda lengua. Dalo sin medidas, ellos lo podran sentir y Dios ministrara a sus corazones.

Te extranamos y queremos mucho por aca. Dios te bendiga, te guarte y te siga usando grandemente!

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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