Saturday, December 16, 2006

Our trip to the Village of the people Tayas

We came to this church for a retreat to prayer, but ended up ministering in their church. It took 4hours up the mountains.. it was very cold that weekend, but the people were so hospitable and humble. We always had more than enough.
This is a small town, but it is called the village of the Tayas, they are one of the native Tribes of Taiwan.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Last Blog Till FEBRUARY : )

Tzama Yung (Whatz UP),

Wow soo This will probably be my last blog before leaving for outreach. So much has happened in the past month. Ooh.. and Happy LATE THANKSGIVING!!! to everyone. Taiwan doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, but in the base we had a mini banquet with: turkey, mashed potatoes, chicken... all good stuff. I did miss my Pumpkin Pie.. hmmm.... with ice cream... and whipped cream... (relishing memory). But yes it was really nice.

We are leaving on the 24th (yeah i know.. BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!!). They don't celebrate Christmas like in the states. Some people put up lights, others don't.. its not a biggie here. We head to South Taiwan for the first month. Working with the churches, and then we leave to Cambodia January 24th: where we will be working mostly in orphanages. The preparation has been a pretty heavy load... okay well... maybe not that hard... just very challenging. WE have to learn 7skits, 5dances...(mind that none of this is on my favorite list of things to do!!!!). YWAM works closely with the churches here in Taiwan and in Cambodia, so our schedule will be jam packed.. heading from event to event. They say that we might be doing close to 15 different ministries per day.. kids, youth, adults. I'm really excited. Everything that we have learned we will be putting it to practice. Ive been waiting for this moment since I came here.

Theres two weeks left of teaching. I'm just amazed at how much I'm learning through them. Three weeks ago we went through a class on the ¨Plumb line of God¨. Our lives should be conformed with the measuring line of Gods(straight). We learned about the different stumbling blocks that we might have in our lives as a result of the people that have hurt us in the past. It was INCREDIBLE!!... That whole week God was bringing out issues that I never knew were there. Internal surgery occurred!!.. On the last day of the teaching they had us sit in a circle and tell our story, our past hurts, our misconceptions about GOD... The Lord did a big work in me!! We started at 10am and finished at 11pm that night. All I could say afterwards was THANK YOU LORD, because through all my doubts and failures the Lord was truly there... always loving on me.

We went over the question ¨What does it mean to give up your life, to carry the cross, and to follow me (Jesus)¨. Ever since the beginning of Jesus ministry He always let His disciples know what the cost would be of following Him. And it wasn't all pretty, but He also spoke of the rewards that would come as a result of it. It truly made me analyze my life and what I think is important. If Jesus came to me today and said drop all your things, drop the plans that YOU have and follow me ... would I do it. Would I sacrifice my friends, my family... my ¨I¨. That night I made a big decision as to how I want to live my life. Will it be easy, I don't know, all I know is that my life will be harder if its not in the hands of the one who created it. If the Lord leads me to be long-term missionary here or to go back home I'm not sure yet, but I do know that where the Lord tells me to go I'm willing to follow Him with all I have.

I had a question asked, "How is the group dynamic doing?". In the beginning months it was really hard; Cause we are all so different in culture and personalities. hahaha, My sarcasm wasn't appreciated too much here. I had to learn to watch not only my words, but my expressions. Asians look a lot on your expressions, sometimes more than the actual words... yesss there were many tears during the first two months. But, thankfully the group has bonded a great deal, the Love of Christ is mending the differences. The Lord showed me many areas that I had to fix in regards to relationships and friendships. This has been a good training ground. Its cool cause now I have contacts if I ever want to go to Germany, or Hong Kong or Africa... good perks :).

I also wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the needs that the Pastors in Cambodia have brought up to us. There is a very high deficit of water happening in the country. There is no clean water, and the only water comes from the wells that they dig for themselves. Pastor Sinai is asking if anybody wants to donate $150 US dollars to build a well in their community. Also if you want to support a Pastors family its only $50/month. We are starting to collect clothes and support from the churches here. They will be blessed with any support/supplies that can be donated. If you have any other questions you can write the director of our base: Sose Fepulea'i at


I WILL SEE YOU IN FEBRUARY!!!!!!!!!... : )

PS. I wont be able to email or call from December 20th to February 24th. (kind of scary as I write it)

Prayer Points:
1. Finances: Our staff still don't have the required amount for Outreach
2. Unity within group
3. Health to our bodies
4. Protection for group
5. The peoples hearts may be ready to hear the Gospel
6. Gods power be manifested
7. Direction for all students: Where and what to do after DTS